Monday, August 6, 2007

Cats, From Egypt to your Couch

Cats are considered one of the most popular pets in the world. They were first domesticated in Egypt around 4000 BC, to keep rodents away from supplies of grain. The Egyptians quickly fell in love with cats, and started letting the cats into their homes. Before long cats were treated as gods by the Egyptians. Cats played a large role in the representation of many Egyptian Goddesses. Mafdet is thought to be the first Egyptian goddesses depicted as a feline. She is shown as a cat killing a snake with her claws.

The love Egyptians had for cats was also used to their detriment. When at war with Persia, a Persian general strategically used cats to play on the Egyptian’s emotions. The general ordered all his men to capture as many cats as possible, and then when the Persian’s lined up for battle they released all the cats onto the battlefield. The Egyptians were so horrified by the number of terrified cats they surrendered to the Persians. Cats were even protected by law. If someone were to kill a cat, accidentally, or otherwise, they would be condemned to death. In Egypt cats were held to such a high regard that when they died they were mummified, and buried with mice, rats, and saucers with food. Cat cemeteries line the Nile River and cat mummies can be found in many of the Egyptian tombs.

The spread of domestic cats to other parts of the globe was delayed due to the law Egypt set forth banning the exportation of cats. From time to time armies were deployed to recapture cats from foreign lands. In spite of this law, many people took the risk and smuggled cats to Europe and Asia. Eventually cats were almost everywhere.

Cats have come a long way since 4000 BC. They are now doted on by many cat lovers willing to do anything for their furry friend. Nowadays adopting a cat is easy, but if being a cat owner isn’t your cup of tea maybe now you can at least appreciate what intelligent and mysterious little creatures they are.

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